Getting Financial Support to Vulnerable Households
Getting Financial Support to Vulnerable Households
As part of Challenge Poverty Week, this webinar will explore how councils, housing associations, charities and community groups / food banks have adopted innovative technology to send emergency cash payments instantly to the most vulnerable households.
Join us for this one-hour session and hear about best practice, evidence and case studies in relation to designing and delivering ‘cash first’ welfare support. These schemes help alleviate hardship by sending cash payments – instead of providing food aid or shopping vouchers.
This session is open to any organisation especially those providing financial support to people facing hardship, including but not limited to:
Local authorities
Housing associations
Grant-making charities
Charities and community/voluntary organisations
Support / referral agencies
Register to attend this free online event – joining details will be sent ahead of the event –
Additional Details
Organiser's name - Cash Perks
Organiser's email address or phone number -